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Sunday, December 4, 2011

To Be or Not to Be Don Draper?

Logo from AMC's Mad Men
First let me start this post by stating that I am avid viewer of the show Mad Men on AMC. I think that its on of the most creative and interesting stories on television. It has everything that we like to see beautiful people behaving badly, confidence, sex, money and conceitedness.

This shows owes a lions share of its success to the most dapper character on TV now Don Draper. I mean this guy is as cool as the other side of the pillow that happens to be under the toenail of a polar bear. He is one cool, and self assured and overall just smooth cat, I am talking silk. I mean like whipped butter smooth or expensive cognac smooth. His beautiful wife Betty, the two kids, the black maid, the money, the powerful job and house in suburbia all help complete the picture of this all american guy living the all american dream. Not to mention his 'admirable' service in the U.S. military. Yep, couple that together with his clean shaven face and neatly slicked back hair and nicely fitted suits and you have a winner. But what happens when you dig a little deeper? How deep and dark is the soul of one Don Draper (for my real fans Dick Whitman). Kick around in the Don's closet and skeletons are sure to fall out.

"He is tall handsome and oozes machismo."
Don Draper from AMC's Mad Men

For any real fan of the show [I am] you are most elated how the director continues to construct a life of power, pleasure and pain for Don. You also can't but shake your head as Don is continually confronted with moral dilemmas and hard choices yet seems to fail them all. He does not just miss the mark he completely missed his opportunity to be better. He often turns purposely to blaze a path of unapologetic whoremongering and mischief, that we all know will ultimately end in heartbreak and regret.

Its not that Don's life is so wrong or so right its the constant mishandling of his wife's feelings and emotions still gives us a twinge in our stomach, the attachment to his children that raises our contempt for him and his cavalier attitude that makes us envy him. It all amounts to one word, America. Don is a Parallel for America. BOOM! Did not see that coming did ya, as I wrote this post the comparison became so evident that I had to say it.

You see America has taught us that Don's lifestyle is one to aspire to. Many of us much like Don have immense talents, ingenuity, creativity and drive but we have our vices. By nature they are destructive and reckless but appeal to our materialism, selfishness, debauchery and a consistent undervaluing of those around us and who crave our attention and desire honesty and straightforwardness. Vices can only live in the shadows of our lives or secret hallways of our prestigious institutions. What’s worse is the moral character of our American has been warn down so, that our vices are often celebrated and rarely discouraged. Also an undeniable thirst to control one surrounding even to the impairment of others is the mantra of the 'Me First' generation. I know I went all socio-political on you, but I had to do it.

"Mad Men more than anything is about wearing masks and using those masks to get what you want." 
Don can play the ruthless business man as seen in not signing a contract with Sterling/Cooper or the Rebel without a cause in his 3 month unannounced vacation in California after ditching Pete on a business trip, not to mention his compassionate visit to Peggy in the hospital about how to block things out of your mind and proceed like nothing happened. Peggy, Roger, Betty and Pete and the rest they all have many masks as we all do, but the fluidity of movement between them is astonishing. I find myself pinned to my seat hoping that they end their misguided ways but understand when they don't, its the human condition. Sigh to that vice we are all subject at least that's what Mad Men would have you believe. Mad Men would have us believe that we are creatures incapable of sustained self control and are completely lorded over by our desires, lusts and emotions. Back to Don and oh yeah his constant state of flux knowing he can do better but not giving enough effort to do so; America ring any bells!  See homeless Americans, unemployed Americans, and stalemate in congress. (again sorry I could not help it.)

Mad Men on AMC
Perspective Point:
Every experience is an opportunity to learn. So what can be gleaned from Don’s and interaction with money, power, girls and life that can help us become better, that’s the point of these shows right. To be a reflection of society and cause us to discuss and then in mid discussion realize this whole time we have been doing the same thing in one form or another. Well that’s what happened to me. I began to think about my masks, when I wear them, and how smoothly I transition between them then I think are any of them any less true to myself as the other.
I have come to the conclusion that Yes, they are all me, but they are all me to varying degrees much like Don and our other tangential comparison, America. He is all those things he portrays and none of them at the same time. He is both a savior to Peggy and victim to his vices; a husband to Betty and an adulterer. Here Where Information meets Perspective we ask To Be or Not to Be Don Draper? You decide.

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