About me

Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Year, New Possibilities

2012-imageSo a new year is upon us and the the world has partied, churched, kissed, and watched the ball, peach, or what ever your city has dropped to signify that the past year is gone and a new year is here. 

I will go into this new year knowing that humans are creatures of habit and these habits have been forged over weeks, months and years. I also know it’s a bit foolish to think that all those past proclivities or faults that I harbor, have developed or indulged in 2011 can be suddenly washed away when the clock strikes 12, and a new year begins. The realist in me staunchly states “I am who I am and if you don’t like me or what I do then that’s a you problem”. This feels somehow wrong and trite. My inner optimist snaps back with a single phrase; New Year, New Possibilities. That single phrase is reassuring and frightening, but alas forward we march.

I did not make any resolutions this year, siting my abysmal track record of not accomplishing them, but I did set out some objectives. Objectives you asked? Take note of the definition.
From the Marriam-Webster dictionary, objective 2 a : something toward which effort is directed : an aim, goal, or end of action.